
Chapter 1, pg 2

As she shut the door her mother looked up from a book. She was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking tea while waiting for bread to finish baking. It smelled delicious but Brit would have to wait until tomorrow to eat it. She knew this was a last minute preparation for the family picnic tomorrow in honor of her little brother’s graduation and her acceptance of a new job offer in the city.  Their grandma, aunts, uncle and spoiled cousin would all be there.

“Who were you talking to out there?” she asked.

“I… found an animal,” said Brit. Continue reading

Chapter 1: In which the main character is introduced

The sun was beginning to fall below the horizon as Brit propped her foot on a wooden chair to tie her shoe. Flecks of light came through the curtains and rested on the wall behind her. She covered her short, brown hair with a green hat that matched the color of her jacket and headed out the door. Walking across her backyard and into the woods that her family owned, she felt  a little proud at this accidental combination. It was never on purpose that her clothes matched but it happened fairly often as all of her clothing seemed to be the same three or four colors, despite any efforts to diversify her wardrobe. She stepped carefully, trying to avoid the poison ivy and nettles that sometimes crept into the old path that she followed.  The sky was growing increasingly dark which made her feel even more jumpy than normal. Continue reading